
10 top tips for saving water at home

According to data from the UK Environment Agency, the average household in the UK uses approximately 350 litres of water per day! Finding ways to save water at home is not only good for the environment but can also help reduce your water bills and save you money in the long-term.

To help you conserve water both in your house and garden, here are our top 10 tips:

1. Shorten your shower time

The At Home with Water Report  revealed that showers are now the largest use of water in the home, with 840 billion litres and around £2.3 billion spent on heating water for showers each year!

Limiting the amount of time you spend in your shower is certain to reduce overall water usage. You could set yourself a shower timer, so you know how long you’ve been in for, or make yourself a playlist of songs for a certain period of time so you know that when it’s ended then it’s time to get out! Limiting your shower time by even just one minute per day can make a huge difference.

2. Take fewer baths

A warm bath is very soothing at the end of a long day, especially in the winter. However, a full bath can use up to 80 litres of water, which is a significant amount, especially if you take multiple baths per household member, per week.

Try to limit the number of baths you take to one or two a week, opting for a quick shower on the other days. If you do take a bath, never fill it above your belly button and always plug the drain immediately, instead of waiting for the water to heat up first.

3. Collect rainwater

We all know that the UK has plenty of rainfall, and the best way to make use of it is to save it to use again for other purposes.

Set up rain barrels or containers to collect rainwater that falls from your roof. You can then use this water for watering plants or washing your car.

4. Dishwash wisely

Contrary to popular belief, your dishwasher is designed to be more water-efficient than the way most of us wash dishes by hand.

The most efficient way to use your dishwasher is to ensure its fully stacked and loaded to capacity before turning on a new wash. If you are handwashing a few extra dishes, then fill up the sink or basin with water instead of letting the water run continuously.

5. Smart laundry prep

Similar to how you fill your dishwasher to capacity, make sure that you fill full loads of clothing into your washing machine to minimise water wastage too.

Most modern, high efficiency washing machines employ several features and technologies to save water compared to older washing machines such as load sensing technology and water recirculation methods.

6. Water plants efficiently

Applying a layer of mulch around the plants and shrubs in your garden will help them to retain moisture and reduce evaporation, meaning that they need to be watered less frequently.  

When you do come to water the plants, try to use recycled rainwater as much as possible, and do it early in the morning or later in the evening to minimise water loss due to evaporation from the sun.

7. Reuse water wherever possible

Much of the water we use for day-to-day household activities can be reused and repurposed later.

Water from activities such as rinsing fruit can be used for cleaning or watering plants, whereas water used for boiling vegetables can be saved and used for making sauces or gravy with at a later date.

8. Avoid Running Taps

Running water is wasted water. Therefore, ensure the tap is never left running while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face.

If you only run water when you need it, you’ll save a significant amount over time.

9. Take care of leaks

Leaks in taps, pipes and toilets can cause unnecessary water wastage.

Regularly check for leaks and once found repair them promptly. Even a small drip from a kitchen tap can waste a significant amount of water over time.

10. Educate the whole family

Now you know some handy ways to save water in your home, talk about them with your family members and encourage everyone in your household to be conscious of water usage.

Teach children about the importance of conserving water and lead by example to ensure they go into their future with the best intentions.

By adopting these simple water-saving practices, you can make a significant difference in conserving water resources and reducing your water consumption at home.