
2 & 3 bedroom bungalows &
3 & 4 bedroom houses in Bridlington, East Yorkshire

£199,000 - £399,000

Lovers of the beach and sea couldn’t wish for a more perfectly placed location than our Ward Hills development. Bridlington is a charming coastal town that’s popular for its relaxing setting, independent shops, restaurants and entertainment venues.

Busy enough to offer a vibrant atmosphere while remaining tranquil and leisurely, Bridlington offers you the chance to immerse yourself in nature and the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, with easy access to neighbouring towns and cities such as Filey, Driffield and Scarborough.

Development Features

  • 2 and 3 bedroom bungalows

  • 3 and 4 bedroom houses

  • Larger than average garden

  • Outstanding features such as an elegant kitchen and bathroom

  • Warm and spacious with thoughtful layouts and splendid designs

Why choose Ward Hills?

Ward Hills complements the laid-back feel of its local environment with modern properties designed around a peaceful living atmosphere. With spacious and thoughtful layouts, each property has been designed with remarkable attention to detail and ultimate levels of quality.

From the 2-bedroom semi-detached bungalow to the 4-bedroom detached house with detached garage, there’s something special for young professionals, growing families and downsizing couples alike.

Download Brochure
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3 Bedrooms
1 Bathrooms


2 Bedrooms
1 Bathrooms


3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
  • Sold
  • Reserved
  • Not Released

Ward Hills, Bridlington

Lovers of the beach and sea couldn’t wish for a more perfectly placed location than our Ward Hills development. Bridlington is a charming coastal town that’s popular for its relaxing setting, independent shops, restaurants and entertainment venues.

Busy enough to offer a vibrant atmosphere while remaining tranquil and leisurely, Bridlington offers you the chance to immerse yourself in nature and the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, with easy access to neighbouring towns and cities such as Filey, Driffield and Scarborough.

We can help you move


Our FreeSell Scheme means that we market your existing property, paying all relevant estate agency costs, so that you can buy your dream Peter Ward home.

Part Exchange

Our Part Exchange Scheme means that we may be able to save you the cost and stress of selling your existing property by accepting it in part exchange against a new Peter Ward home at 100% of its market value, subject to terms and conditions.

Own New
Rate Reducer

We have partnered with Own New to bring you a simpler, hassle-free way to get an affordable mortgage on a new build property. You get a normal mortgage and own 100% of your home.

Part Exchange Plus

Our new Part Exchange Plus Scheme means that we may be able to save you the cost and uncertainty of selling your existing property, we may be able to accept it in Part Exchange against a new Peter Ward home at 100% of its market value, plus if we sell your existing property for more than our agreed offer, we’ll refund the difference.*

Our Part Exchange Plus Scheme is only available on selected plots and is subject to terms and conditions.*


Our FreeSell Scheme means that we market your existing property, paying all relevant estate agency costs, so that you can buy your dream Peter Ward home.

Learn More

Part Exchange

Our Part Exchange Scheme means that we may be able to save you the cost and stress of selling your existing property by accepting it in part exchange against a new Peter Ward home at 100% of its market value, subject to terms and conditions.

Learn More

Own New
Rate Reducer

We have partnered with Own New to bring you a simpler, hassle-free way to get an affordable mortgage on a new build property. You get a normal mortgage and own 100% of your home.

Learn More

Part Exchange Plus

Our new Part Exchange Plus Scheme means that we may be able to save you the cost and uncertainty of selling your existing property, we may be able to accept it in Part Exchange against a new Peter Ward home at 100% of its market value, plus if we sell your existing property for more than our agreed offer, we’ll refund the difference.*

Our Part Exchange Plus Scheme is only available on selected plots and is subject to terms and conditions.*

Learn More

How can we help?

Do you have a question? Get in touch with our friendly team today.

Contact Us Book a Viewing