If you have a Complaint
If you are unhappy with our service, please let us know. We will do our best to settle your complaint quickly and satisfactorily.
If you already own a Peter Ward Home you can log a Complaint by commenting on the relevant ticket on our customer portal, Clixifix, or by raising a plot discussion detailing the basis for your complaint.
Otherwise you can contact our reception during office hours and our receptionist will log the Complaint for you.
T: 01482 861484
E: customercare@peterwardhomes.co.uk
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Customer Care Department
Peter Ward Homes Ltd
Ward House, Annie Reed Court
Annie Reed Road,
HU17 0LF
You can expect to receive an acknowledgment of your Complaint very quickly, but within a maximum permitted period of 5 working days.
Your Complaint will be thoroughly investigated, and you can expect a formal response within a maximum period of 20 working days.
We will either:
Accept your Complaint and let you know how we plan to resolve the issue, what access we will need and when we expect to resolve the problem. This time needed will vary depending on the lead times for the necessary materials and labour. OR
Reject your Complaint and give you full details as to why the Complaint is being rejected. OR
Let you know that we will need to carry out further investigation work and what access we will need to allow us to decide whether your Complaint is accepted or rejected.
You may decide to escalate your Complaint to a formal Dispute under the following circumstances:
A. If you do not receive a formal response within 20 working days.
B. If we are unable to reach an amicable resolution within 56 calendar days of the Complaint being made.
C. If Defective, Faulty or Incomplete Works or issues arising are not resolved within the timescales agreed with you.
NHBC Dispute Resolution service
If your complaint is covered by the NHBC Buildmark Warranty you can raise a Dispute with the NHBC’s Dispute Resolution service.
You will need to provide a copy of our formal Rejection, to demonstrate that you have provided us with the opportunity to resolve your issue but that we have been unable to agree a resolution, or we have failed to resolve the Complaint within 56 calendar days.
Please note that raising of a Dispute does not affect your normal legal rights.
Independent Dispute Resolution Service
If you believe that we have failed to meet the requirements of the Consumer Code for Home Builders and your Complaint falls outside of the NHBC’s Resolution Service, a Dispute can be raised with the Independent Dispute Resolution Service.
You will need to provide a copy of our formal Rejection, to demonstrate that you have provided us with the opportunity to resolve your issue but that we have been unable to agree a resolution, or we have failed to resolve the Complaint after 56 calendar days and no later than 12 months after our final response to your Complaint.
Please note that raising of a Dispute does not affect your normal legal rights.
Peter Ward Homes subscribe to, and comply with, the Consumer Code for Home Builders