
Reduce your environmental impact at home: 9 small changes

Earth Day is an annual, global event held on April 22nd that aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and to promote sustainability. It’s widely considered to be the world’s largest environmental movement, involving millions of people around the world in various activities and initiatives – all aimed at protecting the planet by reducing harmful practices.

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is ‘Invest in our planet’ – focussing on how we must all come together as inhabitants of the planet and be accountable for our actions. By collectively changing our day-to-day habits, we can make a collective difference for a healthier planet and a better future.

Wondering how you can make a difference yourself? Below we have listed 9 small changes you can incorporate into your daily routine at home in order to make a more positive impact on the environment… 

1. Ditch the plastic

Plastic, particularly single-use plastics such as plastic bags, straws and bottles are harmful to the environment in several ways. Not only is the plastic manufacturing process itself harmful and dangerous, but plastic waste is either likely to end up as landfill waste, taking hundreds of years to break down, or as plastic pollution – posing a threat to wildlife by disrupting ecosystems and accumulating in rivers and oceans.

2. Switch to LED bulbs

LED bulbs are much more eco-efficient compared to traditional bulbs due to their high energy efficiency, longer lifespan, reduced light and heat production and an absence of harmful materials such as mercury. Switching your standard light bulbs to LED bulbs will not only save you money in the long-term, but they are a much more sustainable lighting option to.

3. Get used to turning off electronics

Switching off lights, electronics and appliances when they are not in use will save a great deal of energy in your home. Once you get into a habit of checking what needs to be switched off when you leave a room, soon you will do it without even thinking about it. Not only will your energy bills be cheaper, but you will be reducing your carbon footprint too.

4. Follow the three Rs

Follow the three Rs of sustainability by reducing your consumption, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, and plastic. Get the whole family involved in sorting and recycling waste on a daily basis so that you can help reduce landfill waste and conserve resources as much as possible.

5. Save water

Conserving water at home not only preserves a very precious resource, but also reduces the amount of energy required to pump and treat water. Taking fewer baths, shorter showers and turning off the tap while you brush your teeth are all simple ways to reduce water consumption. You could also look at ways to collect rainwater using barrels or buckets outside, which can then be used to water plants and the lawn in your garden instead of needing to get out the hose pipe.

6. Compost food waste

Instead of throwing food waste straight into the bin, you can reduce methane emissions from landfills and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden instead. Simply collect food waste in a compostable container – such as fruit, veg scraps, ground coffee, tea bags, eggshells and nuts – and mix with brown materials such as dried leaves, wood chips and straw to promote decomposition. Once your compost is ready you can use it on potted plants, veg patches and your lawn without the need for chemical fertilisers.

7. Try eco-friendly cleaning products

Switching to environmentally-friendly cleaning products will ensure your home is free from harmful chemicals, which reduces pollution both for your family and also for local waterways. There are many eco-friendly cleaning products you can make yourself at home, such as all-purpose cleaner made from mixing water, distilled white vinegar and essential oils for a pleasant scent. Baking soda is also great for tackling grime in sinks, bathtubs and grout lines.

8. Opt for natural light and ventilation

Wherever possible, use natural light and ventilation instead of relying on artificial versions. Opening sky lights, removing shutters, and placing tables and desks near to windows will remove much of the need to turn on lights and air conditioning units. This can save energy and reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.

9. Reduce paper usage

Reduce your paper waste by  switching to electronic bills for your banking and utilities. Similarly, be sure to use cloth napkins, muslins and towels instead of disposable paper towels or cotton wools to reduce overall paper waste.

By making an effort now to include these 9 eco-efficient practices into your daily routine, they will soon become habits that you won’t need to think about or consider. They will also become routine for younger members of the family, so that they can utilise the same practices as they grow up with a more sustainable and conscious mindset.

Remember, even small changes can add up to make a big difference when it comes to preserving our planet.

You can also find out how new home owners are collectively reducing carbon emissions by over 500,000 tones in the HBF’s Watt a Save Report, February 2023.