
What are the benefits of downsizing to a new-build home?

People decide to downsize their homes for many reasons. Whether your kids have moved out or you want a change of lifestyle, moving into a smaller, more manageable property can be appealing to a wide range of people for many factors.

As well as downsizing to a smaller property, downsizing to a newly-built property can add even more benefits. In this article, we will look at the many benefits of downsizing specifically into a brand new home…

Better financially

One of the major benefits that comes with downsizing is the financial savings incurred. A smaller property will often come with a smaller mortgage, thus reducing your monthly payments and freeing up cash to spend on other things you love to do. Similarly, your utility bills are likely to be significantly lower, especially since energy bills for new homes are cheaper, saving the average new home build buyer £140 a month!* Cheaper council tax and cleaning costs are also very likely to be enjoyed with a downsized property.

Easier maintenance

A new, modern home is no-doubt very much easier to take care of than an older, larger home. Not only are big repairs and renovations unnecessary in a new home, but moving into a simpler space means that your day is less likely to be filled with endless housekeeping tasks that prevent you from doing other things that you prefer to be doing.

Mental health benefits

Not only are the reduced financial and maintenance burdens sure to have a positive effect on your mental health, but there are also other reasons why downsizing to a new home can help achieve a less stressful life too. Many of us are aware of the mental health benefits of living in an uncluttered home with more space to breathe and move, and downsizing gives us the opportunity to start a fresh, with a reduced amount of clutter and possessions.

A more flexible way of living

With lower household expenses and less maintenance to consider, you may find that you have more time, as well as disposable income, to do more of the things you love to do including travelling, taking part in sports, and visiting family. A downsized home will also likely be easier to ‘lock up and leave’ if you want to go away for longer periods of time. This reduces the anxiety of being away from your property as you will have the peace of mind that it is safe and secure with no maintenance required while you are away.

Kinder on the environment

While the financial benefits of reduced utility bills are reason enough to downsize to a new build home, they also significantly reduce the amount of carbon emitted each year. In fact, in the year to March 2023, the average new build emitted 1.4 tonnes of carbon*, just 40% of the 3.6 tonnes* emitted by an older property, a saving of 2.2 tonnes per year.* Reducing your carbon footprint at home is a great way to avoid environmental impact and can also encourage a more sustainable lifestyle by consuming fewer resources and living in a more eco-responsible way.

Downsizing to a new, smaller home can be an exciting new chapter in your life, offering a fresh start and brand new opportunities.

If you are interested in finding out what downsizing properties we have available at Peter Ward Homes, then Book a Viewing Today to meet our sales team and make the first step to changing your lifestyle for the better!

*According to the HBF Watt a Save Report update in April 2024. HBF Watt a Save Report