
10 lovely ways to celebrate Mother’s Day at home

Mother’s Day is the perfect time to spoil your mum and show her just how grateful you are for all the things she does for you.

Spoiling your mum, however, doesn’t mean that you have to spend lots of money on fancy restaurants or spa breaks. In fact, there are plenty of ways you can show her that you care without even leaving the house. It’s likely that she will appreciate this much more anyway.

To give you some inspiration this Mother’s Day, here are 10 small ways you can treat your mum within the comfort of your own home:

1. Make her favourite breakfast

After your mum has enjoyed a lovely Sunday lie in, surprise her with a tasty homemade breakfast. Whether she loves pancakes, poached eggs, croissants, or fresh fruit salad, pop to the shop to get her favourite ingredients and have everything laid out on the table ready for when she comes downstairs. Whatever you’ve made, make sure you tidy away after yourself in the kitchen and pop everything in the dishwasher once she’s finished eating.  

2. Create a home spa experience

Treat your mum to a relaxing spa day without leaving the house. Run her a warm bubble bath, light some scented candles, and play some soothing music to help her relax. You can also give her a manicure or a foot massage if think you have the necessary skills!

3. Write her a heartfelt letter

Express your love and appreciation for your mum in a handwritten letter. Tell her how much she means to you and how grateful you are for all she does and has done for you in the past. This is sure to be her favourite gift of all, and it won’t cost you a penny.

4. Lay out a reading corner

If mum is a fan of reading, then dedicate an area in your home where she can sit in her pyjamas and curl up with a good book or magazine. Make it comfy with cushions, blankets, and maybe even a hot water bottle if it’s cold outside. Don’t forget to leave a mug of tea or coffee for her to enjoy as she’s reading.

5. Have a movie marathon

Maybe your mum is more of a movie lover than a bookworm. If so, you can plan in a few hours to watch something together. Whether she’s a fan of a romcom, a thriller, or documentary, make some popcorn, snuggle up on the couch, and enjoy some quality time watching something she will enjoy.

6. Make a DIY photo book

Create a personalised and homemade photobook for your mum filled with a collection of photos, memories, and special moments you’ve shared together. You could have it ready and leave it on the dining table so she can look through it while she enjoys her favourite breakfast.

7. Bake some treats

If your mum has a sweet tooth, surprise her with some homemade treats. You could bake a cake, prepare some caramel brownies, or make some healthy granola bars if you think she might prefer these. There are lots of healthy treat recipes on the BBC website.

8. Do some chores

If your mum usually does some housework on a Sunday, then give her a break from her usual routine and get your rubber gloves on! Make sure the bins are empty, the showers are rinsed, and the carpets are vacuumed ensuring that she can take a well-earned day off.

9. Plant something memorable

If spending time outdoors in the garden is your mum’s passion, then you could buy some herbs or seeds for you to plant out in the garden together. Head down to your local garden centre and ask them for advice on the best things to plant at this time of year and all the tools you will need. Then, when they grow she will think of you every time she looks at them.

10. Give her some space

Even though mums love spending time with their families, sometimes, they appreciate a bit of time alone. After you’ve enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day morning, you could take your younger siblings or family pets for a walk and give her a couple of hours to herself to do some yoga or relax in a nice quiet house.

We hope that we’ve inspired you with some wonderful things that you can organise and enjoy with your mum at home this Mother’s Day.

Don’t forget to take a look at our other blog articles for more seasonal advice and ideas.