
How to spruce up your spare room on a budget

Having a spare room is often a luxury in a busy household, however it can sometimes seem hard to keep it that way. It’s so easy to turn that unused space into a dumping ground for washing, clothing, and anything else that you haven’t yet found a permanent home for. Therefore, this spring, a tidy and a spruce up of your spare room will be well worth the effort.

Here are our spare room interior ideas using budget tips and tricks that will get you back on track and ready for visitors.

A mini makeover

Sometimes just a tidy and a declutter can make a big difference to a room, and it won’t cost you a penny. Put away the washing and the clothes airer, find a home for those items that need it, and give away or sell anything that you no longer want or need.

Great spare bedrooms need a bed, some hanging hooks as a minimum (these are good if you don’t have a wardrobe in there) and a bedside table is always useful. Of course, an armchair would also be lovely, but see what your space allows and take out anything unnecessary.

Clever storage solutions

Smart storage will help you to make your spare bedroom feel tidy and organised, while also making use of all the space.

Under bed storage is often the most practical and easy way to maximise space in a smaller room. You could go for a divan bed with drawers or a roomy ottoman that lifts up, but if you already have a bed in the room, then simple low-form storage boxes are a cheap and effective alternative.

Wallpaper wonders

Wallpaper can make a big difference to a room and can help to create a chic hotel-room atmosphere. You could go bold with a brightly patterned feature wall or choose something more subtle and take it right around the room. Spare bedrooms are a great place to experiment and have some fun with your interior design skills, so follow your instincts and don’t be afraid to make a statement.

Bed linen transformation

New bedding can instantly improve the appearance of a bedroom and change its style completely. As well as offering your guests great comfort and a good night’s sleep when they come to stay, you want to choose bedding that washes well and will stand the test of time.

The difference between expensive and budget bedding often reveals itself after many washes, but as spare bedrooms probably don’t get used so much, you could opt for one of the more affordable high street options here. Crisp, white cotton or linen is always the preferred choice for ultimate comfort and temperature control, and you can then elevate it with some cosy cushions and a throw to create the look of a high-end hotel bed without the eyewatering budget.

Healthy houseplants

Always on trend, houseplants add a feeling of life and freshness to a spare room, as well as a bold shape and a pop of green. We suggest choosing one big plant to create a statement without too much fuss – Yuccas and Monsteras can work well, and they can often be found for good prices on websites like Gumtree and Freecycle, as people need to rehome them. You can hide any plastic pots within a nice wicker basket and don’t forget to water them weekly in order to keep them hydrated and healthy!

Make your own art

If you are the creative type and you have some wall space to fill then why not have a go at making some of your own art. You can pick up canvases from most high street art shops and there is plenty of inspiration available online to help you with ideas. If painting and drawing isn’t for you, you could try pressing some wildflowers – they can look really beautiful in frames either side of the bed.

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