
Little ways to find Joy in your new home 

Moving into a new home is a really exciting time and there are many small ways in which you can find moments of joy from the moment you collect your keys.  

Sometimes, there are moments which you may take for granted or might not even notice. But, when you do take the time to notice and be grateful for the small things, you can often feel a real sense of contentment and happiness as a result.  

Here are some of the little ways to discover joy in your new Peter Ward Home: 

Appreciate the Newness 

As soon as you receive the keys to your new home, and even before your removal van arrives with your belongings, take a moment to simply stand in your new home, take a deep breath and embrace the novelty of your new home!  

Congratulate yourself for how hard you’ve worked to get this far and be grateful for the fresh start, the new layout, the new fixtures and fittings, and the unique features that make this space completely yours! 

Unpack Mindfully 

Similarly to unpacking after a big holiday, unpacking your belongings into a new home can often feel like a big chore, and one which many people even dread.  

However, if you try to change your mindset and take your time to unpack and organise your belongings, you might find a little joy in discovering all the new homes to place your things. Unpack slowly, room by room, put on a little music, and savour the process of making each space filled with your personal and most-loved possessions.

Find the perfect home for your pets  

Moving house can be a big deal for animals too, so take the time to find the best area to place your dog bed, cat box or fish tank. Think about the amount of sunlight/shade there is in that area, as well as ensuring your pet will have their own space, but still feel integrated into the family environment.  

As you begin to see your pet settling into their new home comfortably, there’s no doubt you will feel little pangs of joy.

Celebrate your small wins 

Celebrating success, no matter how small, can help you feel good and uplift your mood.  

Acknowledge and celebrate the small achievements related to your move, such as successfully assembling a piece of furniture, decorating a room, hanging a mirror straight, or arranging your kitchen cupboards. Each small win means that you are one step closer to making your home more unique and cosy.  

Personalise your space

Decorating your home with items such as your favourite photos, artwork, or sentimental pieces can bring you lots of joy. Surround yourself with familiar things so that your new home feels instantly more comfortable and choose colours and fabrics that are cosy and nurturing.  

You can set the tone for your new home by creating a warm and inviting entryway. Consider adding a welcome mat, some potted plants, or a small decorative table with photos to make you feel at home as soon as you enter the door.  

Enjoy your first home-cooked meal 

Sharing your first home-cooked meal in your new space can create positive memories and help to start things off in an exciting way.  

Enjoy discovering how to use your new oven or hob, and you might even find a bit of joy in tidying up after your meal and using your brand new dishwasher! 

Appreciate your neighbourhood  

In between the un-packing and furniture assembly, be sure to take a walk around your new neighborhood to familiarise yourself with your new area.  

Discovering the charm of your new surroundings can be exciting, and you might even get the opportunity to introduce yourself to your neighbours and build connections within your community, which can bring a sense of stability. 

Host someone special in your new space  

Once you begin to feel fully settled in your new home, it might be nice to arrange for friends or family to come over and visit.  

Hosting a small housewarming gathering is an opportunity to share your new space with those you love and create positive memories together that you can cherish.  

Remember that joy often comes from small, yet meaningful moments that you create in your new home. Take the time to enjoy the process of settling in and making your new living space a place of happiness and comfort.